Type of residents
Asylum seekers
Number of residents
Modular units
8 buildings
Building method
Timber frame
Building (Detail)
Walls and floorboards made of wood-panel elements with OSB panels; heavily insulated exterior walls
Living space per person (m²/person)
Opitz Holzbau GmbH & Co. KG
Commissioned by
Bau- und Liegenschaftsmanagement Sachsen-Anhalt
Construction firm
Opitz Holzbau GmbH & Co. KG
Opitz Holzbau has constructed two large refugee shelters for the first admittance facility in Halberstadt. 2,500 refugees live in Halberstadt (population 50,000). The only first admittance facility in the state of Saxony-Anhalt is located here.
The environmentally friendly choice of wood offers high energy efficiency: Exterior walls are heavily insulated. The choice of wood as a building material also offers domestic comfort and benefits the environment.
(Excerpt from project description)