Type of residents
Asylum seekers
Number of residents
Modular units
5 buildings
Construction costs (Euro/m²)
Building method
Timber frame
Building (Detail)
Timber frame construction on reinforced concrete base plate
Living space per person (m²/person)
architektur:labor martin hoiker, Schwäbisch Gmünd; Cooperation with: Dipl. Ing. Juanita Cardenas, Dipl. Designerin Anke Fischer
Commissioned by
Ostalbkreis represented by Mr. Landrat Pavel, Aalen
Construction firm
Shell: Traub GmbH & Co. KG, Aalen; timber: Holzbau Rieg, Schwäbisch Gmünd
With the construction of the new shared refugee accommodations in Schwäbisch Gmünd, the district of Ostalbkreis will create a replacement for the existing shelter in a former barracks building. In the new structure, the unusual life situations of the affected people as well as the urban-planning concerns have been taken specifically into account. An architectural competition held for the site awarded first prize to this design.
The complex consists of four identical two-story accommodation houses and a single-story communal building. This functions as an entrance hall as well as common area. The new shared accommodations are grouped around a communal courtyard.
The new buildings will accommodate 164 refugees, community and recreation rooms, as well as office space for the maintenance and administration of the facility. The windows, window glazing, and external components meet the minimum requirements of the current Energy Saving Ordinance (EnEV).
(Excerpt from project description)