Type of residents
Asylum seekers
Number of residents
Modular units
13 residential groups
Construction costs (Euro/m²)
Building method
Mass-wall construction
Building (Detail)
Poroton masonry, reinforced concrete
Living space per person (m²/person)
KSW Architekten + Stadtplaner GmbH, Hanover
Commissioned by
GBH Gesellschaft für Bauen und Wohnen Hannover GmbH
Construction firm
W. Wallbrecht GmbH & Co. KG, Hanover
Based on the urban planning competition entry by KSW Architekten, a new urban quarter is being developed in stages on the site of a former freight yard. And, in the middle of this district, a refugee housing project was recently built: a four-story white building with single-pitch roof elements, with 4 units to a floor. The building’s residential units each house 4 to 5 people, and it also features care facilities and a commercial unit on the ground floor.
In the long-term, the units will be converted to rental apartments with 6 apartments on each floor. The external fire escapes that were initially required will be removed. In this way, the structural interferences will be reduced to a minimum. All floors are barrier-free, and can each accommodate one apartment suitable for disabled persons.
(Excerpt from project description)