Type of residents
Asylum seekers
Number of residents
Modular units
10 buildings
Building method
Room module
Building (Detail)
Residential and administrative buildings: Prefabricated room modules: I-beams and roughcast plaster on exterior insulation finishing system (EIFS)
Living space per person (m²/person)
GVE Grundstücksverwaltung Stadt Essen GmbH
Commissioned by
The City of Essen
Construction firm
Residential and administrative buildings: KLEUSBERG GmbH & Co. KG Common area and facilities building: ADAMS Holzbau-Fertigbau GmbH
On commission from the City of Essen, ten residential buildings and other multi-function buildings were built to register and administer health screenings to refugees. Costs have been covered by a 25-year rental agreement with the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. Only 14 months elapsed between the decision to build the structure and its completion. After a probable stay of a few weeks, asylum seekers are then assigned to individual municipalities. To achieve the best possible administrative synergy, the site also features a registration office (REG) and a branch of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF).
(Excerpt from project description)